
Sex on Wheels: Vol. One

Created by Gimp Comics

A story of disabled life, art, and disabled sexuality. Collects the first 6 chapters into one volume.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Eden Cosplay Pinups
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 02:26:33 PM

On the off chance that we hit $8k (it could happen!), what characters would you all want me to draw  Eden cosplaying?

Rewards For Bringing In New Backers
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2023 at 09:17:07 PM

Got some good feedback in comments and messages from you guys about rewards for bringing in new backers. Here's what I think we'll do:

For getting one new backer to pledge for at least the $25 PDF level (the lowest reward tier), you'll get a sticker sheet that will have a Mo, a Mo/Eden headshot, an Inspiration Porn logo, and a Sex On Wheels logo. We'll see if I can squeeze more on it.

For getting two new backers at the $25 level, You'll get the stickers AND a Mystery Print.

For getting three new backers at the $25 level, you get the stickers, the print, AND a special thanks IN the book.

If you manage to bring in more than that? I'll figure something very special out.

Have them message me after pledging and mention you referred them. Their pledge must clear funding to count.

Let's see how it goes!

Incentives Question
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2023 at 07:03:29 PM

I'm trying to think of ways to grow the campaign and number of backers, and want to ask you all for your feedback. In the past Twitter was great for spreading the word on projects, and I could get hundreds of RTs and a dozen or more new backers with one solid RT from a name comics creator. Now their RTs barely get more RTs, what with the dumpster fire that app has become. It's making this a lot harder.

If I offered an incentive (reward) for backers who get at least ne new backer to pledge, would that interest any of you? If so, what kind of reward? There's guest artist prints, like the Colleen Doran one early backers got (in this case it would be Terry Moore). There's prints by me. I'm open to ideas and suggestions!

over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 12:09:17 PM

We hit $6k! You can now add-on an upgrade to the hardcover version of the book for $15. This replaces your standard TPB, it is not an additional book, and it is for physical book backers only.

One Week To Go!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 07, 2023 at 11:13:12 AM

There are seven days left, and we are about $150 from our first stretch goal - unlocking the hardcover edition! If you've been following the campaign but haven't pledged yet, now is a perfect time. As soon as we hit $6k I'll put up the $15 add-on for the hardcover upgrade.

Thank you all so much!